Monday, April 20, 2015


So once again, I present you with another WIP. I believe I am starting to become completely reputable for WIPS. For those who may not know, WIPS stand for “Work In Progress” Or, something plural for that matter. So, fortunately, the only thing about this particular piece of art is that happens to make it a viable WIP is that this is a singular asset, one of many, that would otherwise be one of the key matters to a game that has yet to be fully realized. What you see above is the layout for a 3D crate. What makes this design of--what is otherwise some nonchalant, aloof, un-imaginative--crate is that it has this short variety of designs throughout the wood paneling.
What there is, is some sort of labeling reminiscent of that of a self-starting vigilante militia. Something very un-becoming of society. Actually, to get into that would be to describe that his is what hat crate was indeed for. For the purposes of making this design interesting, I decided that he design should be based or similarly based something meant entirely for a special s r militia squad. Give artwork a purpose, and suddenly it speaks even more volumes than it actually shows.
So again, labels created in red make up several sets of designs. Most of which are numbers. But a few of which are actually rather interesting. To explain, one panel shows a gas-mask, another shows the hazard design. If that doesn’t indicate something hazardous to you, then I am not sure how else “realistically” such a thing could be communicated. The crate design really iterates itself; if your look closely you will see that both the placement of the number labels is indicative of weapons ammunition.

Adobe Photoshop CS6

Adobe Photoshop CC

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